Voice Clinic

Dr. Amit and his team who are specialized in diagnostic and therapeutic treatments. Using a team approach, our voice experts are committed to providing the best possible care for people with voice problems by nonsurgical and in-office treatment methods.

At the Apple speech and hearing clinic (Voice Clinic), our voice experts evaluate and treat voice disorders for all the age group. Apart from general public, those who use their voices professionally like singers, teachers, lawyers, politicians, actors, vendors, etc.

Apple speech and hearing clinic is one of the best voice clinic in Ahmedabad and we have the Best Voice experts in Ahmedabad.


Voice disorders may be caused by many different factors, events, physical alignment, and diseases. The vast majority of voice problems are caused by factors that are not life-threatening and that are easily treatable.


  • Vocal Cord Polyp
  • Vocal Cord Nodules
  • Sulcus Vocalis
  • Functional Aphonia
  • Spasmodic Dysphonia
  • Granuloma
  • Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD)
  • Laryngitis
  • Reinke's Edema
  • Cancer of the Larynx and Vocal Folds
  • Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Disease (LPR)



  • Upper respiratory infections
  • Inflammation or swelling
  • Acid Reflux.
  • Beings growths (e.g. Nodules, Polyps, cysts)
  • Neuromuscular Condition (Vocal Cord Paralysis, Spasmodic dysphonia)
  • Laryngeal Cancer
  • Habitual Coughing or throat clearing.


Symptoms of Voice Disorder:

  • Hoarseness
  • Breathiness
  • Pitch Change
  • Voice cracks
  • Loss Of vocal Range when singing
  • Frequent throat clearing
  • Vocal Fatigue –Pain

Comprehensive Voice Assessment (How is a voice disorder diagnosed?)

ENT Consultation

The diagnosis is in conjunction with an endoscopic and video stroboscopic examination of the vocal cords, done by an ENT Surgeon or Otolaryngologist.

  • A thorough history taking, to determine the exact nature and possible causes of the complaint
  • Direct video Laryngoscope
  • Flexible Laryngoscope
  • Laryngostroboscopy
  • Flexible fibreoptic nasopharyngoscope


The voice therapist plays an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of voice disorders. The voice therapist makes the diagnosis by the following means:

  • Detailed Case History:
    • Chief complaints (hoarseness, abnormal voice pitch, abnormal voice strength, wavering voice, etc.)
    • Present illness (acute/chronic, time since onset of symptoms, treatment history, etc.)
    • Contributing factors (voice misuse, operations, external injuries, common cold, hormone therapy, stress, etc.)
    • Complications (heartburn, acid reflux, laryngopharynx pain, respiratory difficulties, misswallowing, etc.)
    • Past history (neurological disorders, psychological disorders, endocrine disorders, etc.)
    • Occupation (teacher, singer, bus tour guide, announcer, sports instructor, nursery teacher, Buddhist monk, restaurant employee, service industry employee, etc.) and/ or hobbies (karaoke singing)
    • Oral medication (psychotropic drugs, hormonal drugs, ACE inhibitory drugs)
    • Lifestyle habits (smoking history, drinking history, etc.)
    • Drug allergies
  • Perceptual assessment
  • Computerized voice analysis – Acoustic analysis or Analysis of the sound signal
  • Spectrographic analysis
  • Aerodynamic measurements – Analysis of airflow and air pressure during voice production
  • Electroglottography – Evaluation of vocal ford movement regularity.




Voice Therapy approaches designed to improve the disordered voice maybe equally effective when used to enhance the normal voice. A holistic approach to voice therapy is based on a continuum of voice wellness from the disordered voice to the elite voice of the healthy performer. Individuals take charge of the wellness of their voices by following good principles of vocal hygiene and exercising the vocal mechanism in a healthful manner. All voices may be improved on this continuum toward the ideal. When voice therapy techniques attend to the three subsystems of voice production, respiration, and phonation and resonance, the techniques fall into the category of holistic voice therapies. Vocal Function Exercises is one holistic voice therapy approach that has been found to be effective in improving those with voice disorders and enhancing the normal voice.

Voice Therapy is a mode of treatment for a patient with a voice disorder, which includes:

  • A vocal hygiene program
  • Relaxation and breathing techniques
  • Exercises for strengthening the vocal cords


What does a voice therapist do?

The voice therapist provides the behavioural mode of treatment. The voice therapy is conducted over several sessions, employing one-to-one interaction between the patient and the therapist. During these sessions, the various modes of the therapy are demonstrated and taught to the patient, so that he can follow the required regime independently and at home.

Special voice software programs are used to monitor the improvement in voice quality and provide feedback to the patient.

The success of voice therapy is dependent upon:

  • Correct medical diagnosis
  • Proper functional assessment of voice use
  • The therapist’s knowledge and skill
  • Patient compliance



Most professionals, who use their voice for a living, seek help for voice changes, vocal fatigue, anxiety, throat tension, or pain at some point of time in their life. These symptoms must be quickly diagnosed and effectively treated to restore the voice before further or permanent damage is done.

Many people in society with voice problems move desperately thinking that they have no solution for their problem. But, most of these problems can be prevented by Voice Hygiene techniques and can be treated by simple voice therapy.

Who needs professional voice care?

Singers, Actors, Teachers, Lecturers, Business executives, Entertainers, Lawyers, Coaches, Politicians, and Vendors need voice care as it is critical to their professional well-being. One of the most damaging vocal behaviours I know is speaking at the incorrect optimal pitch, usually too low. (Vocal Fry) More women than men have this problem.


Lack of discipline and self-motivation.

Lack of self-restraint: Overuse and abuse.

Incorrect vocal technique

Singer’s vocal technique problems that result from vocal dysfunction (laryngitis, hoarseness, nodules, etc.)


We at Apple speech and hearing clinic diagnose and treat voice disorders that affect the voice box. Utilizing current state-of-art equipment and technology, individualized treatment plans are designed to keep your voice strong, healthy, and sound beautiful.

What symptoms indicate a need for voice care?

  • Hoarseness
  • Change of voice/ loss of range
  • Vocal spasms
  • Pain with talking or singing
  • Chronic sore throat
  • Heartburn or chronic cough
  • Breathing difficulties of noisy breathing


How the Voice problems can be prevented?

Voice hygiene techniques play a greater role. Some simple tips to improve your vocal health

  • Drink plenty of water- take sips of water the whole day to keep your throat wet, water acts as a lubricant to your vocal cords
  • Avoid reflux triggers like spicy foods, alcohol
  • Avoid airborne irritants like smoking
  • Avoid abuse or misuse of voice like yelling
  • Avoid throat clearing
  • Avoid drugs that cause throat dryings like aspirin or anti-allergic drugs



  • Do some easy physical warm-ups before vocalizing
  • Begin with five minutes of humming
  • Begin vocalizing only in the middle voice and gradually and cautiously extend the range up and down
  • Always “warm-down” after singing or performing, particularly after strenuous singing using easy humming exercises, etc
  • Never whisper! Use a quiet, well-supported head voice


Voice clinics for voice problems

At our clinic, we provide High-Performance Voice Training. High-Performance Voice Training is a unique service for singers, actors, dubbing artists, broadcast journalists, and other professionals whose careers demand the most of their voice. Anyone who needs to do public speaking, whether it’s on the air at a trade show, must have their voice tuned to its optimum performance.

We Apple speech and hearing clinic will perform an initial assessment of a patient’s voice and/or singing technique. An individualized plan is prepared based on the assessment.

Singers especially can benefit from High-Performance Voice Training. Our expert voice therapist will provide services specifically tailored to your needs including:

  • Optimization of support
  • Efficient phonation
  • Increase in vocal range and flexibility
  • Reducing strain to vocal cords from challenging vocal material
  • Strengthening exercises improve vocal stamina and decrease vocal fatigue.

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